Glodeni Castle

Glodeni (former Şarpotoc, Şarpatoc; Hungarian: Marossárpatak, Sárpatak; German: Scharpendorf, Schellenberg, Kothbach; trad. Muddy Creek) is a village in Mureş County, Transylvania, Romania.

Glodeni was attested in 1263. In the Papal documents, it appears on May 13, 1319, when King Carol of Hungary has donated to Simion, son of Michael, Count of Şemlacul Mare and of Caraş, properties in several villages including Glodeni, for his faith to the king. The residents of this village, Romanians and Hungarians, were for centuries serfs of the Teleki and Bornemisza families.

In 1675, the Glodeni domain was acquired by Count Teleki Mihály. In the early 19th century, were built here two lesser-known castles for the Teleki familiey. One of them, the castle on the hill, had only one floor and was destroyed by Count Teleki József during crisis after World War II. The entire area was divided for the villagers to build houses.

The second castle, which still guards the village center, was built in Empire style (1872), surrounded by a vast courtyard and a romantic park on the model of the noblemen courts in the surroundings of Budapest. Much greater than the building on the hill, he looked in shape and arrangement as the Teleki Castle in Dumbrăvioara.

The castle of Glodeni is distinct of other such buildings by its greatness: the main entrance was marked by Corinthian columns, the cellars were vaulted and spacious, the staircase and the carriage parking were built in Baroque style, and the salons were very large, decorated with miniature statues. The interior was not sumptuous decorated, but on the walls were exposed works of famous artists of the 18th century. Also, the family library was invaluable, the counts collecting books from around the world.

The last owner of the domain was Count Teleki Károly. After the WWII, the domain was nationalized, and in 1952, there was established a Care and Support Center for Persons with Disabilities. Today, the castle is still a property of the Romanian state, but its legal status is uncertain. The building was well maintained, the whole area being in a good condition.

Images from here.


  1. 1. "Glodeni was attested in 1263" - incorrect: It was first attested in 1268 and the document is not original, in fact there are serious doubts about its authenticity
    2. "In the Papal documents, it appears..." - the document in question has nothing to do with the Pope. The original can be found in the National Archives of Hungary, Budapest.
    3. The Bornemisza family has NEVER had any possessions in the village. There was only one Bornemisza, the husband of the last contess of the upper castle, but then there were no serfs anymore in Transylvania

  2. To Anonymous:
    Please sign your comment, it isn't polite to "hit and run". In the future, I will delete any anonymous comment.
    My sources were:
    1. "Satul Glodeni este atestat documentar în anul 1263." (,_Mure%C8%99 AND
    2. "În dijmele papale, apare însă abia la 13 mai 1319, când regele Carol al Ungariei i-a donat lui Simion, fiul lui Mihail, comite de Şemlacul Mare şi de Caraş, proprietăţi în mai multe sate, printre care şi Glodeni, pentru credinţa lui faţă de rege." (
    "Localitatea apare în 1332 în Registrele de dijmă papală, sub notaţia „Domenic sacerd. de Sarpatak solv.18 banalis antiqua et 8 banalis nova” (C.Suciu DILT , I, p.267)" (
    3. "Locuitorii acestei comune, români şi unguri, au fost în cursul veacurilor iobagi ai familiei Teleky şi Bornemisza." ( AND
    As you can see, I have consulted TWO sources for each of three possibly mistakes. What are YOUR sources?
