Poale'n brâu pie

One of the traditional recipes that make Romania’s name join the list of countries with the best dishes is a specific type of pie called in Romanian: "poale'n brâu". This pie is specific for the area of Moldova (Moldavia). They are usually consumed in any circumstances, not related to holidays or other seasonal practices as in the case of other typical Romanian dishes. Therefore their composition may vary from sweet or salty cheese to fruits or jams.

500 grams of flour
100 grams of lard (or butter or oil)
4 egg yolks
100 grams of cream
60 g of yeast
half teaspoon of salt
300 ml of milk
100 grams of sugar.

In addition to these in preparing the filling you will also need:
500 grams of cheese (or jam / fruits)
If using cheese, add:
2 eggs
a glass of milk
60 grams of cream
50 grams of sugar.

It’s pretty easy to prepare this pie but it requires a longer period of time as you need the dough to rise. In a larger bowl mix the yeast with the sugar until becomes liquid. Add 2 tablespoons of tepid milk, a little flour and mix well. Cover and let sit in a warm place. Meanwhile prepare egg yolks with sugar and salt and after a while add this composition in the one previously made and mix. Knead this dough while adding warmish lard, and then leave it to rise again. While waiting prepare the filling: mix the cheese with eggs, salt, sugar and other ingredients such as currants and vanilla sugar, depending on what you like. Add salt and knead with flour until the dough comes off your hands and bowl easily. Cover and let rise in a warm place. After the dough has raised, roll into a 1cm sheet and make medium sized squares out of it. Then put the filling in the midst and pull the corners of the squares in the middle of the pie, envelope style. Stick well so that the filling may not come out. Sprinkle flour on the baking sheet, then put the pies in tray, wash with egg, cover with baking paper and leave in the oven about 45 minutes. Serve as you like it, because it is good both warm and cold, with sugar or plain.


  1. Evident, altfel nu scriam despre ele! Ai incercat reteta?

  2. Branzoici, cred ca is numite in Ardeal, in special in Bihor

  3. hi all, arata f bine, daca le 'prezentam' la amicii anglofoni mai bine sa le spunem 'cheese buns" ca la ei 'pie' e un fel de tarta :)

    numai bine, M

  4. salutari!
    unul dintre cele mai bune deserturi romanesti pe care le ador, mai ales ca provin din zona specifica. din cate imi amintesc eu, bunicii mai puneau si putin marar, dadea o aroma extraordinara.
