Ion Andreescu

Ion Andreescu (February 15, 1850 – October 22, 1882) was a renowned Romanian painter.

Self portrait (1882)

He was born in Bucharest into a merchant's family. In 1863 he learned drawing with Professor Petre Alexandrescu, then he studied with H. Trenk at "Gheorghe Lazăr" College in Bucharest. He distinguishes itself in the drawing class of the "Saint Sava" College. In 1869 he entered Theodor Aman's Fine Arts School.

Beech forest

By 1872 he was an instructor of drawing and calligraphy at the "Bishopric School" in Buzău. In 1873 he left it for the "Tudor Vladimirescu Communal Secondary School", also in Buzău. Then, in 1875 he teached at the "Craftsmanship School" in the same town.

Woods in winter

Influenced by Nicolae Grigorescu, he left Romania for Paris in 1878 to further his education at Julian Academy. In Paris, he began painting at Barbizon. His work was exhibited with the works of better known painters such as Manet, Monet and Renoir. In 1881 he returned to Romania, ill with tuberculosis. His death followed shortly in 1882.

Street at Barbizon during the summer

Although he lived only 32 years, Ion Andreescu proved that he had an exceptional talent. His artistic creation to be reduced to a few hundred paintings - sober, profound, serious and meditative. "Among the Romanian painters, there isn't another personality more attractive than Ion Andreescu and with destiny more full of meanings. In fact, he guided the Romanian art in a decisive manner" - wrote the French critic Jacques Lassaigne.

 The red scarf

The oak

From Wikipedia.


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