Maria Virginia Andreescu Haret (June 21, 1894 - May 6, 1962) was the first woman-architect in the world.
Virginia Haret, born Andreescu, was the niece of the great painter Ion Andreescu. She was motherless at 9 yo, and she had to take care of his three brothers and keep the house. She did the school in private, obtaining the baccalaureate at "Michael the Brave" high school. At 18, she was the first in the competition for admission in the Superior School of Architecture. At the same time she followed the Fine Arts Academy. His numerous watercolors become part of the print collection of the Romanian Academy Library.
From 1923 he worked in technical service of Ministry of Education, where he retired in 1947. It was the first woman to reach the rank of inspector general architect. Between the two world wars, she represented Romania at the international congresses of architecture in Rome, Paris, Moscow, Brussels. She was awarded numerous prizes which have crowned his career. The list of projects and architectural achievements of the Virgin Andreescu Haret is long and impressive.
Profesori cu har
1 week ago
Ce-ar fi sa faceti o cercetare referitor la domeniile in care românii au fost primii?
Foarte multe postari de pe acest blog trateaza prioritati romanesti in diferite domenii.
Am evitat sa le scriu una dupa alta pentru a nu plictisi cititorii.
E posibil ca Virginia Haret să fi fost prima femeie arhitect din Europa. In America a precedat-o Sofia Hayden Bennet.
Multumesc atat pentru precizare, cat si pentru aprecieri! Datele pe care le-am avut erau contradictorii: majoritatea surselor o indicau ca fiind prima femeie-arhitect din Europa, unele surse sustineau ca ar fi fost prima din lume (dar in aceste articole am mai intalnit si alte greseli sau exaltari nationaliste, asa ca nu m-am aruncat in a sustine si eu acest lucru).
Cer scuze pentru off topic:
s-ar putea sa va fie de folos textul si fisierul powerpoint on line Romani celebri-2.
S-ar putea sa functioneze doar avansul manual. Functioneaza si fullscreen.
Multumesc, l-am mai gasit pe net si in varianta txt - din pacate contine cateva erori. Despre majoritatea prioritatilor enumerate am scris deja, pe altele trebuie sa le verific din mai multe surse, pentru corectitudine.
Multumesc inca odata si mai asttept sugestii!
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