The Romanian Bukovina Shepherd Dog (Romanian: Ciobănesc de Bucovina, French: Chien de berger roumanin de Bucovine) is a native breed that was developed in the Carpathian region, specifically, in the North-East of Romania, in Bukovina province. It is also known as Bukovina Wolfdog, Bukovinac, dulău (meaning sheepdog) or capău. It was for centuries the best partner and companion for the Romanian shepherds in the Carpathian Mountains. Their original use was to guard and protect the herds against predators (wild animals or thieves). The Bukovina Sheepdog is calm, yet it has bountiful energy and loves to play a lot. It should be exercised often, taken outdoors because it likes to have a lot of space to move around. It was bred to be herd guardians, keeping watch over sheep and cattle against thieves or preying animals. Today, it is being used as a guard go and family companion.
FCI-Standard (Excerpt)
Romanian Shepherd Dog of Bukovina
ORIGIN: Romania
UTILIZATION: shepherd dog for sheep and cattle herds, excellent guard dog.
CLASIFICATION F.C.I.: Grou II: Pinscher-Schnauzer, Molossoize, Swiss Cattle Dog and other breeds. Section 2.2 – Molossoize, mountain type.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: The Shepherd Dog of Bucovina was selected from a natural breed of the Carpathian Mountains, in Bucovina, exactly in the North-East of Romania. This breed has been the subject of a special attention as far as selection and improvement is concerned, which led to the present type. In this region, dogs of this breed are used successfully as dogs to guard sheep flocks, cattle herds, and for properties. This dog is mostly known as "DULAU" or "CAPAU". The first standard was drafted in 1982 and revised in 2001 by the Romanian Cynological Association. The present standard, dated on 29.03.2002, was drafted and revised according to the F.C.I. model established in Jerusalem.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: large dog, towering, audacious and proud. Sexual dimorphism well emphasized.
BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT: Calm, stable, very faithful and devoted to the owner, loves children. Wary of strangers. Excellent herd dog, very brave and efficiently fighter with possible animal prey (bear, wolf, lynx). He owns a very strong barking. When strangers, man or animal, approache its territory, he strongly barks, of a low tonality, which can be heard over very long distance. At nighttime, he patrols around the property or herds.
GAIT/MOVEMENT: equable and swing, powerful and effortless; seen from the front and back, legs move in straight line. Medium amplitude trot is preferred. Crossed or high moves should be penalized.
SKIN: thick, tight, dark-grey colored
HAIR: short on the head and anterior side of the limbs. On the body, the hair is abundant, harsh texture, from 6 to 9 cm long. Undercoat is shorter and denser, lighter colored. On the neck, hair is longer and crest shaped; on the posterior side of the legs, hair forms moderate size fringes. Tail is brushy, with a longer and thicker hair, well furnished.
• Classic colour : Well-defined spots of wolf-grey or black colour appear against a white background colour. On the limbs, spackles in black or other colours should be allowed.
• Uniform colours (without markings) white or black are allowed, but should not be followed.
Height: male: 68-78 cm, ideal hight 71-75 cm; female: 64-72 cm, ideal hight 66-68 cm
Weight: in proportion to the size.
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